To freeze several column: select the column that's immediately to the right of the last column you want frozen. select the cell below the rows and to the right of the columns you want to keep. select view > freeze panes > freeze panes. the faint line that appears between column a and b shows that the first column is frozen. Select view > freeze panes > freeze first column. click below the row you want to freeze and to the right of the column you want to. scroll to the right until the left column or columns that you want to freeze are displayed on the left of the worksheet. To freeze column and or row headings: scroll down until the top row or rows that you want to freeze are displayed at the top of the worksheet. enter some data into column a, scroll to the right, and you'll see the data move with you. the entire column a area is frozen, indicated by the black border between column a and b. if you're using excel for mac, skip this step.